One Little Girl, One Big Year |
Annie is turning 1 year old on Saturday, August 18th! Where has the time gone? Good times go fast, huh?
She has many nicknames: Annie, Annie Ann Ann, Anna, Anna Banana, Anna Banana Lise, Annalisie, Annalisie-uh, Ann Ann Anderson, Itsy Bitsy, Tiny Hiney, Punkin' Baby, Baby Girl and Lil' Chub Chub Baby (retired due to loss of baby chub). Also, it should be noted that the above nicknames are regularly used; however, her intermediate and extended family often create new ones by mixing them all up.
Some of Annie's present day activities are: attempting to climb into the dishwasher, attempting to open all locked and unlocked cabinets, hanging onto furniture and walking, climbing into child-sized chairs and standing, dumping toys, dumping food from bowls, spilling open containers, standing confidently then taking 2 steps and slowly lowering herself to the floor, mischievously smiling when we marvel at her walking, exploring food like a champ (She loves everything we've given her except baby food! She whines for bananas, black beans, watermelon and cherry tomatoes), reading books and playing toys with her sisters, giving hugs, pats, kisses and high-fives, mimicking faces (pooching lips, nodding yes and no, panting like a doggie), watching "dawg-dawgs," resting with her sisters while watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and pointing and whining until she gets what she wants.
Her first words are listed in chronological order: punba (Spongebob), hi, papa, dada, mama, sis-sis and dawg-dawg. The list will continue to grow just as she is.
This past year has been filled with hugs, kisses, laughs, smiles, pouts and tears. We are amazed at what a precious person she's become. Happy Birthday to our Annie!